We have much to offer on the SAU Tech campus! We have student housing, various events, student organizations, athletics, and more! Whether you're a new student or a current student, you can find out about campus life here.

Group of females painting pumpkins

We will alert you in the case of inclement weather, power outages, and other emergencies.

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Student Housing

SAU Tech is home away from home with on-campus housing! We have apartment style options as well as a more traditional dormitory experience. Whether you're a prospective or current student, there are plenty of things for you to know.

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Student Organizations

Students can join various organizations to make friends with other students and get involved around campus!

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Student Activities and Events

We want students to have fun and get involved. There are various activities and events on campus and the surrounding area through the semester that students can attend and participate in. 

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We are proud of how far our Athletics programs have come since their inception. SAU Tech has NJCAA men and women's basketball, softball, baseball, and also a cheer squad! We are the ROCKETS!

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Rocket Success Center and Library

The library is a one-stop for tutoring, mentoring, career assessment, and job placement services. The Rocket Success Center is here to provide the support you need to be a successful student. 

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More Information

Get a more comprehensive overview of what campus life entails. 

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